Hidden Beach Starts The Year Right with #HaveALovelyDay | (New Jill Scott Video)
Jill Scott’s rendition of “Lovely Day” launches new campaign to foster Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism every day
January 4, 2012, Los Angeles, CA
New video director Alex Magana helps Hidden Beach kick the year off right with a music video promoting the #HaveALovelyDay Campaign. Inspired by Jill Scott’s rendition of the Bill Withers classic “Lovely Day,” the campaign inspires everyday people to perform Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism as a path to wellness and overall good feeling in the world.
“The new science of Happiness says that performing Random Acts of Kindness raises Serotonin – the bodies “feel good” chemical.” Explains Thornell Jones, Marketing for Hidden Beach. To continue, please click “MORE”!