Guitarist Melvin Taylor Releases New Music Video, “Star Spangled Blues”
New Music Video
“Star Spangled Blues”
vision of our national song has come.
At the hands of virtuoso guitarist Melvin Taylor, The Star Spangled Blues takes us
on a kinetic musical journey, blasting through existing musical genres and creating something unique – something never heard before. Taylor’s blazing guitar work is accompanied by the magnetic performance of Reverend Xavier Chance whose unique spoken words re-conceive the words of Francis Scott Key as they were originally posed – as a question.
The accompanying music film takes us on a journey through space and time rewinding American history putting the choice of citizenship back in the hands of the individual.
Between our July 4th independence and the infamy of 9/11 lies The Star Spangled Blues.
Star Spangled Blues audio and video is being distributed by The Orchard, a pioneer of digital music. Audio verison is available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, emusic, and hundreds of digital and mobile outlets around the world. Video available on iTunes, hulu, VEVO and YouTube.
Title: The Star Spangled Blues
Performed by: Melvin Taylor featuring the Sermon of the National Song by Reverend Xavier Chance
Arranged and Produced by: Melvin Taylor, Jon Miles and Cynthia Chauvin
Engineer: Matt Christian
Mastering: Bill Wolf
Artist Management: Beth Pope
Star Spangled Blues Music Video
A film by Two Dragons
Directed, Edited and Produced by Jon Miles and Cynthia Chauvin
Visual Effects & Compositing: Kevin Barker
Director of Photography : Matt Gottshalk
Co-Director of Photography: Darryl Pittman
1st AC – Kevin Marshall
Co-Producers: Kian McKellar, Joseph Pattisal
Makeup: Mayvis Payne
Soundstage: Blue Rock Productions
RED Epic camera provided by: Wraith Films
RED One camera provided by: McGee Digital