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African Music, Page 4

World Music Artists Come Together to Support USA for Africa on ‘We Are The World/United in Song’ | Set To Be Released Dec. 7th, 2010

World Music Superstars Including
Angelique Kidjo, Luisa Maita, Michael Franti, and Others Join Together
to Support USA for Africa on Digital Compilation We Are The World/United
In Song – Global Release Date 12/7/10

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — World music superstars lend  their support to the latest release from USA For Africa titled We Are The World/United In Song, a
digital compilation of 14 tracks featuring individual offerings from
some of the genre’s most compelling artists.  As an added bonus the
original recording of We Are The World is included on the
compilation to mark the 25th Anniversary of the historic recording.
 Proceeds from this effort are going to assist Africa and Africans with the current challenges facing the continent.  The compilation is available worldwide on December 7, 2010 to hundreds of digital storefronts across the globe including iTunes®, Amazon, eMusic, and Rhapsody in the U.S.

We Are The World/United In Song is a must-have collection of world music artists including: Angelique Kidjo, Luisa Maita, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Lila Downs, Aurelio Martinez with Youssou N’Dour, LeRoy Bell, Sierra Leone‘s Refugee All Stars, Razia Said, Shamarr Allen, Abigail Washburn & the Shanghai Restoration Project, G. Love & Special Sauce, Vieux Farka Toure, Bombay Dub Orchestra, Emi Meyer. The collection of songs was compiled by Executive Producers Suzie Weston and Alexia Baum To continue, Please click “MORE”!

TolumiDE | My Love (Coming May 25th, 2010)

Award-winning Gospel Recording Artist TolumiDE Preps Dynamic New Project, My Love   Artist’s Debut CD Delivers Strong, African-Inspired Cuts With Lead Single “My Love”.   TolumiDE (pronounced toe-LU-mee-day) is on the cusp of becoming a household name in gospel music.  In a world of cookie-cutter artists, TolumiDE breaks barriers and …

New Recording Artist AiRis | The AiRis Project (Coming Fall 2010)

ICY Public Relations Secures Debut International Recording Artist AiRis for 2010 Media and Public Relations Representation Debut International RecordingArtist AiRis is the newest addition to the African Music Industry New York, NY, May 07, 2010 –(– Continuing its efforts of being the public relations liaison between African Fashion and Entertainment …

Somi to Release New Album “If The Rains Come First” on Oct. 13th, 2009 | LISTEN!

When Somi was growing up, her mother told her that the rain, ever unpredictable, could be as much a blessing as a challenge. The blessings might come before the rain, or they could come after – it’s all in the timing, she said.

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