Anita Wilson’s Solo Album, “Worship Soul” is Available NOW
Nashville TN (April 2, 2012) The wait is finally over. Anita Wilson’s debut album, “Worship Soul” is in stores and online TODAY. With her soulful single “Speechless” still working up the radio charts, people can’t stop talking about Ms Anita Wilson. She is set to take center stage and introduce her personal style of worship music to the masses.
“Worship Soul,” the 11-song anthology gives listeners a worshipful experience that extends beyond Sunday morning. From the first note it grabs you and the heartfelt vocals of a passionate worship leader are both powerful and moving.
Anita will hit the road on a promotional tour to promote the project. Anita celebrates her street date in her Chicago hometown today. Check out her radio interview on the WGRB morning show, as well as a live performance at the WRGB Coke Lounge.
The New York Times recently reviewed “Worship Soul” citing Anita’s voice as “bright, clear, amiable, professional.” The writer also goes on to say “Her long tones are even; even when her voice deepens and roughens slightly, her phrases remain tight and effective.” To read the whole review: NY TImes April 2, 2012