The Top 100 R&B Slow Jams #23 | Michael Cooper – Dinner For Two


It is NEVER TOO LATE to have dinner with your honey after 5.

Especially when Michael Cooper chose to represent you at moments notice.
Back in the day…

Micheal Cooper from R&B band Con Funk Shun had landed a major slow classic in his solo debut career back in 1987 with “Dinner For Two” off the mega supreme old school classic thumbnail “Love Is Such A Funny Game“.

You couldn’t hide that classic from us folks. We knew all along. We have been presenting this slow jam game all along the last year and a half!

Michael Cooper people.

A legend whose name hallmarks a card with many gifted niches in his trademark lyrical phrases to “Love’s Train” and the prominent amount of ballads from the Con Funk Shun Discography.

Need we say more?

#23 of our Top 100 R&B Slow Jams is on the scene tonight with Micheal Coopers’ successful, “Dinner For Two“!

To access our current countdown list of Top 100 R&B Slow Jams, please click here!

The Urban Music

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