R&B Singer Reggie Calloway Releases New Single “Sabrina” | WATCH NEW VIDEO!

Reggie Calloway Brings Back the Love
with New Single and Music Video!

“Sabrina” is a romantic fantasy about a princess queen who meets a traveling balladeer singer. They immediately fall in love only for him to have to leave to spread love through music around the world.


Reggie Calloway: On this special day of the release of my new music video, “Sabrina”, I would like to sincerely thank you all for your many years of support. Who would have thought it would be decades leading to this day and many more to come.

A deeper meaning has evolved. No woman should ever be called outside her name, she should always be treated like a princess or a queen. I will be speaking often on this topic and welcome your invitations to join me.

There is a movement of music that will truly Bring Back the Love.

Look out for more news regarding the new release.

Connect with Reggie Calloway:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reggiecallowaymusic
Twitter: @ReggieCalloway
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reggiecalloway/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7bDnMtvyIEDFgwtVNken3U?si=1HdSqULGRGaA00wP2iZxXQ&nd=1
Official Website: https://www.reggiecalloway.com/

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