The Top 100 R&B Slow Jams #10 | Luther Vandross – If Only For One Night / Creepin’

Luther Vandross - The Night I Fell In Love

Yes, T.U.M.S. Readers – It’s hard to believe, huh? We know.

The RETURN of our unfinished business: The Top 100 R&B Slow Jams!

Yep, let us hear it. We took WAY TOO LONG to complete this enormously popular list of slow cuts, didn’t we? Or did we just do the collection justice by plain and simply let the tracks age like fine wine? And add the last bit of songs to the list slowly, tastefully and in homage to one of the best aspects of R&B/Soul music?

NOTHING can touch the next addition. NOTHING.

All you have to say is LUTHER VANDROSS.

Out of his master collection of compositions from over the years comes “If Only For One Night”, followed by the secondary, quiet stormin’, “everybody called in to request the ballad“Creepin’.”

(And music lovers will probably start doing it again after reading this…)

Now, IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT IN YOUR COLLECTION, please do not bother to read the rest of this article. Simply take it from us – GO BUY IT.

The single “Only For One Night”, written by music legend Brenda Russell, came fresh off the album, The Night I Fell In Love back in ’85, while “Creepin,” written by soul music Icon Stevie Wonder, flowed directly right after the song was about to fade…one after the other….effortlessly. Grab the record (vinyl, yes vinyl) and play it back for yourselves.

The SLOW JAMS has not been forgotten on T.U.M.S. folks. Sit back and relax tonight. We gave you 2 for the price of 1. Our #10 in the Top 100 R&B Slow Jams (In no order given) goes to balladeer LUTHER VANDROSS and the memory of singles, “If Only For One Night/Creepin’!”

To access our current countdown list of Top 100 R&B Slow Jams, please click here!

The Urban Music

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