Former Members of En Vogue, Dawn Robinson and Maxine Jones Sign with Girl in Charge Public Relations

Former Members of En Vogue, Dawn Robinson and Maxine Jones Sign with
Girl in Charge Public Relations

Los Angeles, CA – Girl in Charge Public Relations (GICPR) adds multi-award winning, triple platinum recording artists Dawn Robinson, and Maxine Jones to their client roster. The internationally acclaimed entertainers are former members of one of the best selling female groups in history; En Vogue.

According to Amy Malone, President of GICPR, both artists are a welcome addition to their diverse client roster which includes award winning recording artist, actors, and authors.  

“Dawn and Maxine were part of one of the most important female groups in history.  They are both incredibly talented women in their own right and we plan to help develop opportunities for each of them both individually and collectively.  There is no limit to the level of success talent of this magnitude can achieve, and I am privileged to play a role in the development process,” said Ms. Malone.

Maxine, and Dawn are both working on solo projects, including new studio recordings, reality shows, and books, but they definitely have something special forthcoming for their fans.   The ladies will continue to tour under the En Vogue moniker for a brief period, while they are in the studio putting the finishing touches on their solo projects.  The ladies impeccable stage presence continues to captivate audiences and leave their fans spellbound.

“Our time with En Vogue was a phenomenal experience, one that we will always treasure.  We achieved a level of success that few music groups ever achieve and for that we are truly thankful, but now it is time to explore new opportunities.  As with any group of talented people your creativity sometimes takes you in different directions and right now Dawn and I are ready to connect with our fans on a new level that is why we are working on a reality show, writing books and making new music,” said Maxine.  “Contrary to what fans might hear or read, my departure from the original En Vogue lineup was not a move I wanted to make, but one that I had to make.  In order for me to be true to myself and hold on to my integrity, I had to put an end to what I felt were unprofessional tactics and remove myself from what was no longer an acceptable situation for me.  I love our fans and will continue to give them my all on stage and in the studio.  I hope they continue on this new journey with Dawn and I.  We guarantee to keep the music FUNKY!”

GIC Public Relations will play a significant role in promoting their new CD’s as well as working with them on some of their new ventures. Maxine Jones and Dawn Robinson are now ready to talk about their successful careers, as well as some of the downfalls and challenges they faced being strong, independent women, in the music industry.  They will share their stories and all the things that came along with being a part of one of the biggest female groups in the world.

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